Magic Pills of Weight Training and Fat Loss


One of my standard responses is that:

There are no magic pills.

So how can I possibly justify a line like "The Magic of Weight Training and Fat Loss"?

Because, ladies, the magic is in what you think will happen compared to what actually does.

Any guy that has seriously tried to put on muscle will testify that it's just not that easy to "get bulky". In fact with regular diet and training even guys will tend to loose body fat and get leaner. Any lean mass gained actually makes a man look leaner and more "toned" due to the drop in body fat percentage. His waist will get smaller and his ass tighter, strong and sexy indeed.

So what happens when a woman trains with heavy weights and eats correctly?
Well the magic, lol, when compared to the general belief anyway.
That's right she gets lean and "toned" from doing LOW reps of HEAVY weights, NO cardio necessarily and eating food that she LOVES.


Oh, her waist gets smaller and her ass tighter too, strong and sexy baby.

Let's get back to our weight training guy

For him to put on serious lean mass and "get big ..ger" he needs:

  • The hormone profile that a woman does not have (yes more testosterone is one of these).
  • Consistent solid training for years (he doesn't just wake up one morning and whoa, I got huge!)
  • A body fat distribution that is largely determine by his hormone profile.
  • A surplus amount of Calories and Macros.

What does this mean for our woman?

  • Well she does not have the same hormone profile as our guy.
  • She is not going to eat a TON of surplus Calories and Macros.
  • Even training to lift as much weight as she possibly can will result in relatively less muscle mass.
  • So she will get leaner and more "toned" too.


A female's softness and curves are due to her body fat distribution

NOT how strong she is or how much lean mass she has.
A woman with a very low body fat percentage will look harder and more masculine, true.
However the exact same woman, with the exact same LBM, will be soft and curvy with 20% body fat.

Please note that super low body fat does not happen by accident or overnight.
If you don't diet down to this ON PURPOSE it won't happen.

That's the good news ladies, you don't have to get your body fat as low as a guy must to
look strong and sexy. The bad news is that your hormones are more difficult in general.

If you have an image in your head of a huge, hard, muscle bound woman then they HAVE taken anabolic steroids.
In fact this applies to men too, a man can gain an impressive physique and get big after years of training and nutrition, but the huge pro that you have in mind has taken anabolic steroids and that is completely their choice.

Kurtis Garbutt

Gavin Kromhout

Gavin KromhoutDedicated lifter, fitness enthusiast and your website host. It is my job to make sure you have a great experience on our website and that you have access to the help and information you need on your fat loss journey.

  2 Responses to “Magic Pills of Weight Training and Fat Loss”

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  1. […] Originally Posted by wingman Completely agree. We need more women to be like that. We are certainly doing what we can to encourage more woman to the magic of weight training […]


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