

Your website hosts are neither registered dieticians nor personal trainers.
Sadly many of these folk have paid good money to be "educated" by force fed BS.
An education which is sponsored by big money backers such as food and supplement companies applying their influence to government policy. The remainder of their education comes from things that "everybody" in the industry "knows". A bro-science that many fall victim too, including us at times.

However, we do know a few that have made the effort to educate themselves further and you will find some of these amazing folk under resources and services.

We welcome all corrections and correspondence. Feel free to make fun of us if (when?) we indicate something stupid or contradictory and we'll be sure to correct it 🙂

While we make every endeavour to provide the best information to our knowledge.

You are responsible for your health and goals, and no-one else.

Our only hope is to inspire and get you started on your journey of self education.


Website Administrator.